(večer prej) Srce moje! Želim ti mirno noč in lepe sanje. Pa še prišepnem ti, da si iz Asissija želim nekaj posebnega. Ni treba kupit. Poljubček***
(9.35) V Italiji sončnice že ful cvetijo!
(14.18) Asissi je krasan :)
(17.04) Asiški Francelj te pozdravlja in ti pošilja svoj žegen :)
(17.07) Super! Jaz sem po ogledu treh vrtov pristala v Murski Soboti. Utrujena ampak je ful fino. Še na Goričko gremo. lp
(0.12) Čer! Preden zaspim... Hvala za objavo na blogu, tako čutim, da je tudi tebi pomembno. Za danes je še nisem spisala. Sončnice tudi v Prekmurju lepo cvetijo! Bi bilo lepo, ce bi se prihodnji teden slikala tam ;) Bil je lep dan. Poljubček zate*** ljubim te zelo! Nočko*
Kristina Angelika
After a Looooong Day...
Going by bus to our first destination yesterday, I noticed a large field of sunflowers in full bloom through the window. Naturally, it made me think about the day fast approaching. :) I tried staying in contact with Kristina throughout the day, but our busy schedules reduced that effort to a few short text messages. But still, I believe it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday was marked with exploring Assisi, the birthplace of St. Frances. And I can't help but feel that there's something special about that town, especially the crypt where the remains of the saint are kept. In the evening we had our semiconcert, and the crowd loved it (like they really had a choice:)).
Today we visited Polvese Island, located at Lake Trasimeno. The first thing I thought was: "Kristina would love it here." Oleanders, olive trees, rosemary and countless other herbs, the stunning scenery and the waters, where I went swimming for the first time this year, not to mention the company of APZ Tone Tomšič made this a truly remarkable day.
Aljaž - missing his future wife
P.S.: Guess who won the France vs Germany match today. One hint: it wasn't France! :)
Saj sem vedela, zakaj si nedosegljiv danes :)