Na začetku sem želela pri šivilji narejeno obleko iz čimbolj naravnega materiala (recimo iz lanu). Taka obleka bi bila samo moja, kasneje pa bi jo uporabila tudi v poslovne namene, saj iščem nek čisto svoj stil za pevske nastope in podobno, kar me še čaka pri delu in poslanstvu Kristine Angelike. No, na koncu sem se prilagodila in mislim, da sem se odločila prav.
Poročni stil, ki mi je všeč |
Na pomerjanje v poročne salone sem odšla bolj zato, da zares začutim, da me čaka poroka. Začela sem s pomerjanjem skromnejših modelov oblek (A-kroj je bil glede na mojo idealno pevsko postavo edini resni pogoj :) ), obleke brez naramnic in/ali s preveč poudarjenim dekoltejem mi niso bile všeč, prav tako mi je bila popolna bela barva nekako preveč hladna, dolge vlečke preštoraste za nošenje in obleke z okraski načeloma prekičaste. Na začetku se namerno nisem ukvarjala s ceno izposoje. In tako sem pri recimo osmi pomerjeni obleki (ne spomnim se natančno) začutila nekaj posebnega. Ne znam opisat, kaj se je zgodilo, mislim, da sem nenadoma dojela, da se res poročim, da si moram končno nekaj privoščiti, da moram tudi z obleko pokazati, da je bilo v mojem življenju dovolj žalovanja. Dojela sem, da je moje življenje ČUDOVITO! Obleka, ki je bila enostavno prekrasna (in popolno nasprotje tega, kar sem iskala na začetku) je izbrala mene.
Skoraj v solzah (ki sem jih celo uspela skriti) sem slekla obleko in v sebi začela biti bitko, če je 460 € preveč za mojo poročno obleko. V istem salonu sem pomerila še tri obleke (cenejše), si zapisala podatke tistih, ki so prišle v ožji izbor, se poslovila od mami in sestre in se nato na poti na službene obveznosti (končno) razjokala. Še vedno mislim, da je cena obleke zelo visoka, saj bom obleko nosila le en dan, vendar je vsako nadaljno pomerjanje potrjevalo tisto prvo izbrano obleko. Pomerila sem celo obleke, ki mi niso bile nič posebnega (so mi bile pogojno všeč) pa so bile dražje.
Čez nekaj tednov sem se nenapovedano vrnila v Poročni kotiček na Dolenjski cesti, kjer so si kljub gneči vzeli čas zame. Še enkrat sem pomerila tisto obleko in jo rezervirala. Sem si kar oddahnila, saj sem se lahko končno posvetila drugim rečem (sezona vrtičkanja je bila!).
Menda bo zdaj kmalu čas za pomerjanje s čevlji in izbranim spodnjim perilom, da v salonu uredijo še zadnje popravke obleke na točno mojo postavo.
Kako pa kaže mojemu zaročencu glede obleke?
A Snappy Dresser
I can't seem to get this song out of my head today. Probably something to do with my wedding suit.... After a vigorous telephone conversation with my best man I was informed that the style of suit I want to wear on my wedding day is not in style this year. Not being the person to follow fashion trends I decided to continue with my search for the perfect suit. (BTW: I decided not to write anything about Kristina's dress, because that's something I'm not supposed to know anything about.)
The style of suit I've decided to find for myself is apparently very rare at the best of times, but this year it's almost impossible to find in "regular" clothes shops (compared to specialist wedding shops). To give you an idea of what I'm looking for: here it is (note the lapel style of the jacket. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the style is called in English - if anyone can help, please do and you shall have my long-lasting gratitude, and possibly a beer :) ). However, I do believe that I'm coming closer to ending my search. I've learned that the style I'm looking for is very popular in neighboring Austria and that I might have better luck there. So,fingers crossed! :)
I've decided against renting my suit and opted for a purchase, because I see it as an investment. So maybe that's why I'm so bent on getting exactly what I want. And, as Kristina has already mentioned, you only get married once, so make it special. :)
Aljaž - dressed to impress
Kako pa kaže mojemu zaročencu glede obleke?
A Snappy Dresser
I can't seem to get this song out of my head today. Probably something to do with my wedding suit.... After a vigorous telephone conversation with my best man I was informed that the style of suit I want to wear on my wedding day is not in style this year. Not being the person to follow fashion trends I decided to continue with my search for the perfect suit. (BTW: I decided not to write anything about Kristina's dress, because that's something I'm not supposed to know anything about.)
The style of suit I've decided to find for myself is apparently very rare at the best of times, but this year it's almost impossible to find in "regular" clothes shops (compared to specialist wedding shops). To give you an idea of what I'm looking for: here it is (note the lapel style of the jacket. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the style is called in English - if anyone can help, please do and you shall have my long-lasting gratitude, and possibly a beer :) ). However, I do believe that I'm coming closer to ending my search. I've learned that the style I'm looking for is very popular in neighboring Austria and that I might have better luck there. So,fingers crossed! :)
I've decided against renting my suit and opted for a purchase, because I see it as an investment. So maybe that's why I'm so bent on getting exactly what I want. And, as Kristina has already mentioned, you only get married once, so make it special. :)
Aljaž - dressed to impress
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