Sledi malo daljše razmišljanje o tem, kam in zakaj dajemo svoj denar. Razložila bova tudi, kaj imava v mislih, ko rečeva, da s poroko skušava spodbujati slovensko gospodarstvo.
Včeraj zvečer sva imela z bodočim možem dolgo debato o Bogu,
Palestinsko-Izraelskem vprašanju in smislu najinega skupnega življenja. Vse je
bilo pomešano, razvilo pa se je iz zavedanja različnih vojn na svetu, krčenja
naravnih virov in Aljaževe zgodbe o zgodovini sveta (spomnim se, kako rada sem
imela zgodovino, vendar sem veliko tega enostavno pozabila ter zato z
zanimanjem poslušala Aljaževo razlago).
Za najino poroko sva že v samem začetku načrtovanja rekla,
da bova z nakupi skušala spodbujati vse, kar je slovensko. Odziv prijateljev je bil
tudi ta, da sva si torej izbrala drago poroko! Kar malo me jezi to prepričanje.
Kako je možno ter v čem je smisel, da je slovenski proizvod pogosto dražji od
izdelka iz tujine? Si lahko midva SLOVENSKO vseeno privoščiva? Bova sploh dobila
to, kar si želiva?
Veliko razmišljam ... |
Nekaj tednov nazaj sem od Vesne Vuk Godina slišala, da je
vsak nakup politično dejanje. Takoj sem se strinjala z njo, mislim pa, da sem
šele včeraj zvečer dojela, kaj to v resnici pomeni. Aljaž se je v svoji razlagi
dotaknil tudi dejstev, da svetovne korporacije, ki jih na tem mestu (še) ne
želim imenovati, izkoriščajo NAŠ SKUPEN svet in za tem stoji en sam cilj: PRODAJA
– IMETI VEČ! Morda se vse skupaj pomeša še z željo po oblasti, vendar tudi tu
zadaj je verjetno skrita zgolj težnja po tem, da ima nekdo več kot vsi drugi in
te težnje pravzaprav ne razumem (mi jo lahko kdo razloži, lepo prosim). Mislim, da opisana težnja v določenem človeku – posamezniku nastane
zgolj takrat, ko ni zmožen omembe vredne čustvene inteligence. Verjetno se mu to zgodi zaradi napačne vzgoje, življenjskih travm, ki jih ni uspel predelati, ali pa (najbolj pogosto) splošne brezbrižnosti, zgovarjanja, da sam ne more ničesar spremeniti (in zato še naprej kupuje samo tisto,
kar je najceneje, in se ne udeležuje volitev). Joj, kako smo zemljani postali skrbeči le za lastno rit!
Kaj ostane pri prizadevanju imeti več kot drugi (lačni
afriški otroci, onesnažen zrak, izsekan gozd, vojna opustošenost) človeštvu
očitno sploh ni pomembno. Načeloma ima Slovenija kar se tega tiče še srečo. Ker
je majhna, ni tako tržno zanimiva. Pa vendar se že čutijo tudi prizadevanja, da
bi naše vodno bogastvo privatizirali, torej prodali NAŠO pitno vodo! Verjetno
tistemu, ki bi zanjo dal več denarja. Dragi Slovenci, se zavedate tega?
Sprašujem se, ali je Slovenija ena redkih držav, kjer obstaja
trend kupovanja lokalnih proizvodov in zakaj. Kako močan je ta trend? Zakaj še
vedno zahajamo (žal tudi jaz) v trgovine, kjer kupujemo tuje (tudi prehrambene)
proizvode (v akciji!), ter s tem pod vprašaj postavljamo lastno zdravje, kmetijstvo in gospodarstvo?
Ali lahko z zavedanjem, da je v Sloveniji MOŽNO ustvariti blaginjo njenih
prebivalcev, to dejansko tudi izpeljemo?
Danes zjutraj sem se zbudila sama od sebe nekaj minut pred
sedmo uro. Budilke torej danes nisem potrebovala in koliko je še stvari, ki jih
imam, pa jih pravzaprav sploh ne potrebujem. S termometrom sem si izmerila telesno
temperaturo, saj se učim naravnega načrtovanja družine. Da ne bi zbudila
Aljaža, sem po prstih odšla v spodnje nadstropje v kopalnico in se zavedla, da
v svojih prvih minutah dneva potrebujem: stranišče, toaletni papir, milo, nekaj
vode, zajtrk in nato tale računalnik in internet, če želim svoje razmišljanje
deliti z vami.
Pravzaprav pa za svoje lastno življenje ne potrebujem veliko: obleko, streho nad glavo, vrt, kjer si pridelam nekaj hrane in ljudi, ki me imajo radi.
Kaj pa potrebujete vi?
The Ultimate Question about Life, the Universe, and Everything (D. Adams)
Yesterday I realised that I've come to miss serious political debate, so when the chance for that came with Kristina, I felt the 2 and something hours just flew by. The evening was marked by a brief summary of the situation in the Middle East, especially the Palestine-Israeli conflict, and how, in essence, the whole affair is a fratricide. I also came to remember how much I like history and my ability to tell a story (with a willing audience, of course :) ). What I found especially gratifying was the fact that even my 11 year old brother managed to peal himself away from the TV to listen to my 20-minute tall tale.
A pessimist might be duped into thinking that the whole world is just everybody killing everybody else. And sometimes it is. And it seems that humanity has become an expert in making up the most contrived reasons for finding new and ingenious ways to kill our fellow man. But taking a deeper look into the situation reveals that the reasons for all the mayhem are usually very "earthly", with the most common being greed. Rest assured, however, that I'm not going to lecture you on how "greed is an evil deed, and sharing is caring". People should figure that out for themselves.
Kristina and I have decided to do our best to stop multinationals from exploiting those bits of our planet that still have something to offer, and to focus on Slovenia. Right now, our home needs all the help it can get in bringing back hope to people, who often seem to have given up in light of everything that's going on.
When we told a friend that we want our wedding to be "as Slovene as possible", his response was something along the line of "you've picked a pricey option". That may be the case, but, as Kristina has already pointed out, each purchase we make is a political act. And we chose to empower Slovenia with as many decisions as possible.
Aljaž - feeling like politics should be for everyone
The Ultimate Question about Life, the Universe, and Everything (D. Adams)
Yesterday I realised that I've come to miss serious political debate, so when the chance for that came with Kristina, I felt the 2 and something hours just flew by. The evening was marked by a brief summary of the situation in the Middle East, especially the Palestine-Israeli conflict, and how, in essence, the whole affair is a fratricide. I also came to remember how much I like history and my ability to tell a story (with a willing audience, of course :) ). What I found especially gratifying was the fact that even my 11 year old brother managed to peal himself away from the TV to listen to my 20-minute tall tale.
A pessimist might be duped into thinking that the whole world is just everybody killing everybody else. And sometimes it is. And it seems that humanity has become an expert in making up the most contrived reasons for finding new and ingenious ways to kill our fellow man. But taking a deeper look into the situation reveals that the reasons for all the mayhem are usually very "earthly", with the most common being greed. Rest assured, however, that I'm not going to lecture you on how "greed is an evil deed, and sharing is caring". People should figure that out for themselves.
Kristina and I have decided to do our best to stop multinationals from exploiting those bits of our planet that still have something to offer, and to focus on Slovenia. Right now, our home needs all the help it can get in bringing back hope to people, who often seem to have given up in light of everything that's going on.
When we told a friend that we want our wedding to be "as Slovene as possible", his response was something along the line of "you've picked a pricey option". That may be the case, but, as Kristina has already pointed out, each purchase we make is a political act. And we chose to empower Slovenia with as many decisions as possible.
Aljaž - feeling like politics should be for everyone
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