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Foto: Željko Stevanić |
APZ poroke (ko se pač poroči prava APZ-jevka ali APZ-jevec ali celo APZ par :) ) so vedno nekaj posebnega, če ne drugače po svoji glasbeni plati. Zbor s svojo zares kvalitetno glasbo, ter seveda obrazi, ki jih ne boš nikoli v življenju pozabil, saj si z njimi delil svoja tako rekoč najlepša leta življenja ... Da ti tvoj posebni dan polepša čudovita družba, s katero si več let prepeval, švical na odru in trdo delal na vajah, spoznaval tuje dežele in ustvaril večna prijateljstva, to je res nekaj neopisljivega!
Upam, da bodo lahko del tega začutili tudi drugi svati, ki bodo na cerkveni poroki slišali naslednji repertoar skladb:
- Poročna koračnica
- Pozdravljena zemlje ti blagoslov (Lojze Mav)
- Gospod, usmili se (Missa in honorem S. Josephi, J. Pogačnik)
- Taaveti laul nr. 104 (Cyrillus Kreek)
- Aleluja (Trošt)
- Bogorodice devo (Rachmaninov)
- Bogorodice devo (Schnitke)
- Gospodi (Schnitke)
- Poj ljubezni (Darlene Zcshech, solo skladba)
- Otche nash (Schnitke)
- Jagnje božje (Missa in honorem S. Josephi)
- Beati quorum via (Stanford)
- Ukuthula (afriška)
- Deep river (Ringwald)
- Aleluja (Handel)
- An Irish blessing (Moore)
Žal se morava opravičiti splošni publiki (svatom), ker ne bo veliko slovenskih pesmi (razen seveda zunaj kakih slovenskih ljudskih, ki pa so včasih zaradi naših čednih narečij tudi kar težko razumljive). Rada poveva, da nama je od vsega cirkusa okrog poroke in oblek in še vsega ostalega pač najbolj pomembno to, da na poroki slišiva najine izbrane pesmi in APZ Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani. Tiste res posebne skladbe bova predstavila (prevedla) kar tu na blogu. Da boste vseeno lahko vedeli za kaj gre.
Še 32 dni.
If Music Be the Food of Love
From the very beginning, the one thing Kristina and I wanted for our wedding was good music. So the decision to ask our friends at APZ Tone Tomšič to help make our big day truly special seemed natural. This was the setting where we first met in 2011, when I joined the choir and where Kristina spent a little over 6 years. The choir is very experienced in singing at weddings, so we believe that even our quite substantial wishlist (see Kristina's post above) won't be too difficult. :)
But when Kristina and I took a closer look at the church where our wedding ceremony will take place, I found that there will be more than enough room for another choir - KAPZ Mohorjan, where I sang for 7 years and was the setting where I first encountered choral singing. Being a part of that choir also made it very difficult for me to make the decision to join APZ TT, since I knew that juggling both would prove nearly impossible. But that decision came after careful consideration (not two mention the 2 years of nagging to come and join APZ from Barbara Slivnik :P ). In the end, it was probably the pragmatical side of me that prevailed.
My calculation was that during my time in APZ Tone Tomšič I would encounter at least 100 people of my age from every conceivable professional field imaginable. The next logical assumption was that it was statistically necessary that at least one of those people would help better my life in some way. And I could not have been more right! :) But now the time has come to leave the ranks of APZ and move on to new adventures, most likely featuring my friends from KAPZ Mohorjan.
And just so you'll know what our wedding repertoire will be all about - here's a translation of the one of the songs
(thank you, Matej Velikonja, for showing me this wonderful piece :) )
Psalm 104: 1,24
Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!
O Lord my God,
Thou art very great.
O Lord, how manifold are thy works!
In wisdom hast thou made them all.
Glory be to Thee, O Lord,
Who has made all things.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Now and evermore.
source: http://www.gregorywbrown.com/music/psalm-104-from-taaveti-laulud-cyrillus-kreek/
Aljaž - sing for the moment
If Music Be the Food of Love
From the very beginning, the one thing Kristina and I wanted for our wedding was good music. So the decision to ask our friends at APZ Tone Tomšič to help make our big day truly special seemed natural. This was the setting where we first met in 2011, when I joined the choir and where Kristina spent a little over 6 years. The choir is very experienced in singing at weddings, so we believe that even our quite substantial wishlist (see Kristina's post above) won't be too difficult. :)
But when Kristina and I took a closer look at the church where our wedding ceremony will take place, I found that there will be more than enough room for another choir - KAPZ Mohorjan, where I sang for 7 years and was the setting where I first encountered choral singing. Being a part of that choir also made it very difficult for me to make the decision to join APZ TT, since I knew that juggling both would prove nearly impossible. But that decision came after careful consideration (not two mention the 2 years of nagging to come and join APZ from Barbara Slivnik :P ). In the end, it was probably the pragmatical side of me that prevailed.
My calculation was that during my time in APZ Tone Tomšič I would encounter at least 100 people of my age from every conceivable professional field imaginable. The next logical assumption was that it was statistically necessary that at least one of those people would help better my life in some way. And I could not have been more right! :) But now the time has come to leave the ranks of APZ and move on to new adventures, most likely featuring my friends from KAPZ Mohorjan.
And just so you'll know what our wedding repertoire will be all about - here's a translation of the one of the songs
(thank you, Matej Velikonja, for showing me this wonderful piece :) )
Psalm 104: 1,24
Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!
O Lord my God,
Thou art very great.
O Lord, how manifold are thy works!
In wisdom hast thou made them all.
Glory be to Thee, O Lord,
Who has made all things.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Now and evermore.
source: http://www.gregorywbrown.com/music/psalm-104-from-taaveti-laulud-cyrillus-kreek/
Aljaž - sing for the moment
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