Nisem se še "znucala" :) |
Po poroki bova načeloma še ostala nekaj časa v bližini Ljubljane, kjer imava najeto skromno garsonjero. "Biti na dveh stolčkih" me sicer zelo nervira, saj včasih ne vem, kje sem zares doma. Vedno kaj pozabim vzeti s seboj in nikoli ni nič pospravljeno. Pot do Ljubljane (kamor me veže predvsem nedokončana magistrska naloga, posel in glasbena šola, pa seveda stik z mojo družino in prijatelji) je sicer dolga, vendar predstavlja tudi svojo prednost, saj se pogosto ravno na poti na Koroško ali proti Ljubljani z Aljažem pogovarjava najbolj pomembne stvari :)
Koroška me je očarala kmalu po tem, ko sem bila z Aljažem prvič pri njemu na obisku. Božič 2013 sem praznovala v krogu njegove družine in začela na raznih družinskih praznovanjih spoznavati tudi njegovo ogromno žlahto, tako da osebno potrjujem: tukaj vam ne more biti nikoli dolgčas. Preden se je med nama z Aljažem karkoli začelo tega konca Slovenije nisem poznala (čeprav je bil moj solo Music for a While v izvedbi APZ Tone Tomšič prvič na odru prav na Prevaljah :) ), ko pa sem bila tam, sem začela prepoznavati njene potenciale, ki nikakor niso majhni.
Sproti vam bom povedala še kaj več o Koroški, potem pa vas povabim na izlet :)
Ko sem že v elementu za "pucanje", pridem še kam?
A Fresh Start
After a few days in Ljubljana it was time to go back to my home region of Carinthia (no, we didn't go to Austria, just check this link). After avoiding it for a couple of days, it was time for me to keep my end of the bargain and writ my section of this blog. Which I'm doing now. Obviously. :)
It was a quite difficult decision, but in the end, Kristina and I decided to ultimately move to Carinthia after getting married. But let's not get carried away: there's still much to do before that can be accomplished. First and foremost: we both need to formally finish school (we'll do our utmost to make that happen by the end of this year). Then the time will come to sort out our "love nest". Our first domicile will be located on the top floor of my parents' house, but we plan to move out on our own in 3-5 years.
But enough about our house (ta-dam... in the middle of our street... :) ). It's time to talk business. Kristina and I have recently joined a small group of would-be regional entrepreneurs in the hopes of moving the stalemate that has Carinthia's youth at a standstill. A vast majority of people chose to stay in Ljubljana or Maribor after graduating, or even leave the country all together (brain drain). That is why we were glad to take part at the round table discussion on building an efficient and modern 4-lane highway to the region, organised by one of the local youth groups. The debate highlighted some key hiccups still plaguing the issue.
Let that be enough for today, I think I've spent my creativity already. You are cordially invited to pay us a visit sometime. Carinthia is not difficult to find, just don't get too caught up on all the potholes. :)
Aljaž - moving from house to the same house
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