Glasbo za prvi ples in slog plesa sva že izbrala, vendar bo do izvedbe pred svati vse skupaj ostalo kot skrivnost, medtem pa vadiva in skupaj kreirava. Aljaž je zelo dober plesalec in ker se jaz sedaj že znam sprostit (to je pač posebne vrste dosežek), nama je vse skupaj v veselje.
Tako kot petje, je tudi ples del izražanja človeka, ki obstaja že od prazgodovine. S petjem in plesom so ljudje že nekoč delili svoje občutke, tako vesele kot žalostne. Ples je dejavnost, ki jo počneva skupaj, imava se lepo in to je najpomembnejše. Moj pokojni oče bi dejal, da gre tudi za "vertikalno izražanje horizontalnih želja" :) tistih pristnih predvsem. Mislim, da ples krepi najino ljubezen, zato bi jo verjetno lahko dali še komu "na recept"! Naj povem le to, da nama je všeč klasika, zato bo ples nekaj v tem slogu, s tem da sva dopolnila besedilo izbrane pesmi.
Zdaj pa prepuščam vaši domišljiji in ugibanju glede vsega preostalega, kar ni tu zapisano :)
Zaplešite tudi vi, četudi v dežju!
The first dance
Today is Friday, 8 August 2014, which means that the wedding is now only 3 weeks away and I'm not quite sure, why I'm not petrified yet (every Hollywood-made romantic puss-filled boil of a movie says I should be shaking by now). I suppose Kristina and I are probably doing something wrong. But what if we're doing something right? :)
One thing we hope to get right is our first dance as husband and wife. To make sure everything will go as smooth as possible, we've enlisted our good friend and neighbour, professional dance teacher (of all things :) ) Valentina Pšag to help us get the right moves. So far so good, we've dreamed up a (not to simple) choreography, and all that's left for us to do now is practice, practice, practice.
But getting back to the question from the first paragraph, what if we're doing something right? As mentioned in one of the previous posts on this blog, the decision for us to get married was the only realistic option if we were to have any sort of an intimate relationship. And now that the big day is fast approaching, I'm beginning to realise that our decision to get married will make us outcasts. Why? I think that the reason the number of weddings is on the decrease (stated by several men of faith and government employees) is the fact that marriage presents a "terminal" decision. It's forever. Although one can get a civil divorce, the catholic Church does not accept divorce as an option for a valid marriage. But that's not merely down to a whim the Church might have, but the very nature of a marriage makes it not illegal but impossible to break up (see this book for further reference). But to make this paragraph sensible, I've started to notice that people are afraid to commit. And it's not just marriage and personal relationships. The very nature of the western world is geared towards the expendable, meaning "if it doesn't work properly, just get a new one". Frankly, that sort of an attitude is very disconcerting for me, or, in plain English, the fact that people lack the balls to commit to anything (a career, marriage, a hobby, etc.) pis**s me off (I know, because I'm still growing the cojones to commit to certain activities, and I went through the process of not being prepared to commit in a relationship).
Commitment takes work. Just ask anyone who's been married for several decades, or who's been pursuing a hobby all their life. It's often not easy and it takes dedication and a lot of patience, two major qualities people seem to lack nowadays. Hopefully, many of you reading this blog (hello, future me :) ) will find these words a source of inspiration towards dedication. :)
Aljaž - may I have this dance?
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