Pred nekaj dnevi sem preživela najboljši ženski žur, pa še meni je bil posvečen :) Res, dekliščina je bila nepozabna, zato VELIKA in ISKRENA HVALA sestri Klari in vsem puncam, ki so si vzele čas za moje slovo od samskega stanu! Slikice še čakam, verjetno se bo še katera znašla tu in v zasebnih arhivih :)
Najbolj mi je bilo všeč presenečenje, ko sem morala na določena vprašanja povedati, kaj mislim, da bi odgovoril Aljaž. Punce so nato prebrale Aljažev odgovor, ki je mnogokrat prijetno presenetil (pojma nimam, kdaj jim je odgovarjal, ker sva skoraj ves čas skupaj, pa se je vseeno videlo, da se je pri odgovorih zelo potrudil). Vem, da bo Aljaž zelo dober mož.
Na vprašanje, če imava zdaj že vse "poštimano" za poroko, hitro odgovorim, da je tako (preprosto predolga zgodba, če želiš komu dopovedat, kaj vse je še za postorit :)). Veliko, veliko pomoči dobivava od vse povsod, nekaj stvari tudi namenoma dava v odgovornost nekomu drugemu in tako je lažje.
Če vas zares zanima: čaka naju še dokončanje darilc za svate, sedežni red, okrasitve, še zadnji obisk v Ljubljani, kjer poberem svojo poročno obleko in pričo ... To je kar se organizacijskih zadev tiče skoraj vse, seveda o detajlih ne bomo preveč govorili. Včeraj je prijateljica Benjamina Kolar prišla na Koroško in preizkusila orgle v cerkvi, midva pa svoj sprehod do oltarja. Ne da se opisat teh občutkov! Aljažu pravim, da zdaj jokam od sreče, da mi v soboto ne bo treba. No, pa sem sama sebe zatožila :)
In kaj je najpomembneje? To, da se imava rada, da se imava skupaj lepo in da z veseljem pričakujeva dan, ko se bo pravzaprav vse skupaj šele začelo. Pa čeprav že kar malo nervozna.
Feeling productive
While experiencing a surge of creative energy, I decided to write not one, but two blog posts today! The first one was on "throwables", while this one will focus more on the general status of our wedding preparations. Kristina already spake about her bachelorette party, so I shall say nothing more on the subject. But, I would like to thank the singers of KAPZ Mohorjan, who thew a "drive-by" bachelor party for me. :)
It's true, Kristina and I are getting ready for our wedding together, but if you asked us how far along we are, you'd probably get two different answers. Kristina's answer is implied in her post above, while I tend to take a more leisurely approach to the whole thing. Call it indifference, I chose to call it relying on divine providence, but I'm sure everything will work out perfectly in the end. Word on the wire (in other words, according to my grandmother) is that even the weather will cooperate on that faithful Saturday. :)
All kidding aside, I never really knew what goes in to planning a large-scale wedding, so I'm glad I only have to do it once. But Kristina and I have come to a realisation today: we're doing just fine, we simply need to remind each other of that from time to time. Thankfully, the preparations are slowly but surely coming to and end.
88 hours and 11 minutes to go. :)
Aljaž - preparation is key
Feeling productive
While experiencing a surge of creative energy, I decided to write not one, but two blog posts today! The first one was on "throwables", while this one will focus more on the general status of our wedding preparations. Kristina already spake about her bachelorette party, so I shall say nothing more on the subject. But, I would like to thank the singers of KAPZ Mohorjan, who thew a "drive-by" bachelor party for me. :)
It's true, Kristina and I are getting ready for our wedding together, but if you asked us how far along we are, you'd probably get two different answers. Kristina's answer is implied in her post above, while I tend to take a more leisurely approach to the whole thing. Call it indifference, I chose to call it relying on divine providence, but I'm sure everything will work out perfectly in the end. Word on the wire (in other words, according to my grandmother) is that even the weather will cooperate on that faithful Saturday. :)
All kidding aside, I never really knew what goes in to planning a large-scale wedding, so I'm glad I only have to do it once. But Kristina and I have come to a realisation today: we're doing just fine, we simply need to remind each other of that from time to time. Thankfully, the preparations are slowly but surely coming to and end.
88 hours and 11 minutes to go. :)
Aljaž - preparation is key
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