petek, 1. avgust 2014

August - zdaj gre pa čisto zares!

The Final Four...

So it begins - the final countdown to the big day. Contrary to the name "A BridalBlog" I decided that today was my turn to go first and write something. And going through this website, I realised that 1 August was a day when truly great things have happened. (the arrival of the first slaves to the USA, the discovery of oxygen, the birth of Herman Melville, the birth of Yves Saint-Laurent, the last diary entry of Anne Frank, etc.). 

And today is a big day for us, because it is giving us the chance to learn a vital lesson about patience and perseverance. What happened was our car broke down and is now being repaired by Kristina's uncle. Hopefully, the surgery will go well and we'll be back to cruising around the country in our little Peugeot. :) Nostalgia aside, that car was our main means of transport and being left without it throws a serious spanner in our getting-around-and-doing-things works. But rather than giving in and whining about it, we try to make the best of a bad situation and look on the bright side of life.

Our bright side of life :)

But why consider this important in our preparations for marriage?

Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

OK, maybe the lyrics are a bit harsh and life isn't a piece of shit (at least not for all of us all the time). But the point is: life has its ups and a bunch of downs. And Kristina and I have decided to celebrate the ups and get back up after the downs together, with today, 1 August, giving us the perfect opportunity to put that theory into practice. Especially since we're going to have a busy weekend (come listen to us sing this Sunday at the church of St. Nicholas in Bizovik) and a car would have come in very handy.

Aljaž  - wishing for a hitchhiker's guide

Dan, ko se vse obrne na pozitivno stran

Tako, avto je popravljen, hvala stric Matic :)
Ko misliš, da gre čisto vse narobe, pomaga, da človek malo zadiha in pogleda na težave iz različnih perspektiv.

Z Aljažem sva ravno prišla s Koroške in že zaplanirala dneve do nedelje, ko naj bi se vračala tja. Zelo na hitro sem se zmenila za prvi plesni termin s sosedo (petek ob 14.00), za katerega je v kolobociji z ostalimi obveznostmi in odvisnostjo od avtomobila kazalo, da bo propadel. Žal bi zelo težko v najin urnik spravila kak drug termin, ki bi bil sprejemljivo zgoden pred samo poroko, a kot kaže, se vse vedno uredi v najboljše dobro!

Plesna učiteljica Valentina Pšag je oseba, ki mi je v zadnjih treh letih najbolj blizu, pa se kar nekajkrat zgodi, da pravzaprav ne moreva v miru poklepetati, čeprav sva sosedi. Zelo sem vesela, ker sem si dovolila zadihat in ne preveč skrbeti za avto in ostalo (kazalo je zelo slabo, vendar se je k sreči dalo hitro popraviti). Ko sem tako vsa v skrbeh klepetala z Valentino, me je še posebej v dobro voljo spravil klic duhovnika, ki naju bo poročil. Jože Kastelic, za katerega sva v času spoznavanja ugotovila, da je SKUPEN dobrotnik obeh najinih družin, je bil prav takrat na Koroškem (verjetno na ogledu in kakem sestanku glede same poroke, ker sva si ga "izposodila" od drugod). Rekel je, da moli za naju in mislim, da je to tisto, kar je zares pomagalo. 

Tako sva včeraj popoldan preživela najbolj čudovite ure učenja plesa! Po večernem skoku v Ljubljano na pevsko vajo sva dobila nazaj popravljen avtomobil in presenetljivo prijeten dan zaključila v družbi sosedov, ki so naredili hišni piknik. HVALA za take ljudi in HVALA za ČUDOVIT dan!

Kristina (tokrat na drugem mestu objave :))

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